This copyright notice applies to all material on this webpage:
Copyright 2022, 2023 Laurence D. Finston
All Rights Reserved.
Last updated: August 25, 2023.
I am an artist, musician and computer programmer. I originally come from Evanston, Illinois, USA and have lived in Germany since 1991. I've only just started working on this website and it is still "Under Construction". I have been adding content regularly and will be adding more soon.
The following targets are on separate webpages.
Animal Drawings |
Lettering |
Printing |
Casting |
Architectural Details and Ornaments |
Musical Instruments |
Sundials |
My online shop: | Laurence Finston's Online Shop |
GNU 3DLDF (A software package for 3D graphics): | The GNU 3DLDF Website |
Songlist (A software package for keeping track of songs): | Songlist at GitHub |
Scale_Layouts (A software package for generating scale layouts): | Scale_Layouts |
My Songlist package at GitHub includes lead sheets for songs in the
public domain ( public_domain directory in repository).
public_domain_1.pdf |
public_domain_2.pdf |
public_domain_3.pdf |
public_domain_4.pdf |
public_domain_5.pdf |
In addition, the repository contains the files public_domain_full.tex and public_domain_full.dvi for all of the lead sheets. The resulting PDF file is too large to store in the repository (unless I pay extra).
public_domain_full.tex |
public_domain_full.dvi |
Please note: This illustration contains an error: The slant of the string is reversed. It should be closer to the
fretboard at the low end (toward the nut) and further away at the higher (toward the saddle).
3DLDF code: | scale_length.ldf
3DLDF macro file: | plainldf.lmc
TeX code: | scale_length.txt
PDF file (DIN A3 landscape): | scale_length.pdf
GNU General Public License: | gpl-3.0.txt |
3DLDF code: | scale_length_1.ldf
3DLDF macro file: | plainldf.lmc
TeX code: | scale_length_1.txt
PDF file (DIN A3 portrait): | scale_length_1.pdf
GNU General Public License: | gpl-3.0.txt |
3DLDF code: | scale_length_2.ldf
3DLDF macro file: | plainldf.lmc
TeX code: | scale_length_2.txt
PDF file (DIN A3 portrait): | scale_length_2.pdf
GNU General Public License: | gpl-3.0.txt |
Created: | 2022.07.14.
Updated: | 2022.07.17. |
3DLDF code: | scale_length_3.ldf
3DLDF macro file: | plainldf.lmc
TeX code: | scale_length_3.txt
PDF file (DIN A4 portrait): | scale_length_3.pdf
GNU General Public License: | gpl-3.0.txt |
Werckmeister III
Created: | 2022.07.16.
Updated: | 2022.07.17. |
3DLDF code: | scale_length_4.ldf
3DLDF macro file: | plainldf.lmc
TeX code: | scale_length_4.txt
PDF file (DIN A4 portrait): | scale_length_4.pdf
GNU General Public License: | gpl-3.0.txt |
Comparison Equal Temperament to Werckmeister III, Scale Length 45cm
Created: | 2022.07.17.
Updated: | 2022.07.17. |
3DLDF code: | scale_length_5.ldf
3DLDF macro file: | plainldf.lmc
3DLDF macro file: | scale_layouts.lmc
TeX code: | scale_length_5.txt
PDF file (DIN A3 landscape): | scale_length_5.pdf
GNU General Public License: | gpl-3.0.txt |
MPEG video: |
TeX code (for pdfTeX): |
GNU General Public License: | gpl-3.0.txt |
PDF file (DIN A3 landscape): | ladybug_panorama.pdf
3DLDF code: | ladybug_panorama.ldf
TeX code: | ladybug_panorama.txt
Makefile: | Makefile.ladybug3
GNU General Public License: | gpl-3.0.txt |
PDF file (DIN A4 landscape): | testrand.pdf |
C++ code: | testrand.cxx.txt |
TeX code: | testrand.txt |
GNU General Public License: | gpl-3.0.txt |
MPEG video: | ladybug3.mp4 |
PDF file (DIN A3 landscape): | ladybug3.pdf |
MetaPost code: | |
TeX code: | ladybug3.txt |
GNU General Public License: | gpl-3.0.txt |
MPEG video: | polyrhythms.mpg |
PDF file (DIN A3 landscape): | polyrhythms1.pdf |
3DLDF code: | polyrhythms1.ldf |
3DLDF macro file: | plainldf.lmc |
TeX code: | polyrhythms1.txt |
GNU General Public License: | gpl-3.0.txt |
MPEG video: | colorsweep3.mp4 |
PDF file: | colorsweep3.pdf |
3DLDF code: | colorsweep3.ldf |
TeX code: | colorsweep3.txt |
MPEG video: | colorsweep2.mp4 |
MPEG audio: | colorsweep2_ep.mp3 |
PDF file: | colorsweep2.pdf |
3DLDF code: | colorsweep2.ldf |
TeX code: | colorsweep2.txt |
MPEG video: | colorsweep1.mp4 |
MPEG audio: | colorsweep1_soundtrack_ep.mp3 |
PDF file: | colorsweep1.pdf |
3DLDF code: | colorsweep1.ldf |
TeX code: | colorsweep1.txt |
MPEG video: | colorflow2.mp4 |
PDF file: | colorflow2.pdf |
3DLDF code: | colorflow2.ldf |
TeX code: | colorflow2.txt |
3DLDF macro file: | plainldf.lmc |
GNU General Public License: | gpl-3.0.txt |
MPEG video: | colorflow1.mp4 |
PDF file: | colorflow1.pdf |
3DLDF code: | colorflow1.ldf |
TeX code: | colorflow1.txt |
3DLDF macro file: | plainldf.lmc |
GNU General Public License: | gpl-3.0.txt |
MPEG video: | sinewaves12.mp4 |
MPEG audio: | sinewaves12_soundtrack_ep.mp3 |
PDF file: | sinewaves12.pdf |
3DLDF code: | sinewaves12.ldf |
TeX code: | sinewaves12.txt |
MPEG video: | sinewaves11.mp4 |
PDF file: | sinewaves11.pdf |
3DLDF code: | sinewaves11.ldf |
TeX code: | sinewaves11.txt |
MPEG video: | sinewaves10.mp4 |
PDF file: | sinewaves10.pdf |
3DLDF code: | sinewaves10.ldf |
TeX code: | sinewaves10.txt |
MPEG video: | sinewaves9.mp4 |
PDF file: | sinewaves9.pdf |
3DLDF code: | sinewaves9.ldf |
TeX code: | sinewaves9.txt |
MPEG video: | sinewaves8.mp4 |
PDF file: | sinewaves8.pdf |
3DLDF code: | sinewaves8.ldf |
TeX code: | sinewaves8.txt |
MPEG video: | sinewaves7.mp4 |
PDF file: | sinewaves7.pdf |
3DLDF code: | sinewaves7.ldf |
TeX code: | sinewaves7.txt |
MPEG video: | sinewaves6.mp4 |
PDF file: | sinewaves6.pdf |
3DLDF code: | sinewaves6.ldf |
TeX code: | sinewaves6.txt |
MPEG video: | sinewaves5.mp4 |
PDF file: | sinewaves5.pdf |
3DLDF code: | sinewaves5.ldf |
TeX code: | sinewaves5.txt |
The PDF file was too large to upload.
MPEG video: | sinewaves4.mp4 |
3DLDF code: | sinewaves4.ldf |
TeX code: | sinewaves4.txt |
MPEG video: | sinewaves3.mp4 |
PDF file: | sinewaves3.pdf |
3DLDF code: | sinewaves3.ldf |
TeX code: | sinewaves3.txt |
sinewaves2.ldf needs to be modified in order to run. Since I wrote it, I've added a
datatype `sinewave'. This clashes with the name of the macro I used in this version.
All that's necessary is to rename the macro. I've done this for sinewave1.ldf and
sinewave1.lmc, but not yet for sinewave2.ldf.
This version uses color replacement. sinewaves2.ldf only differs slightly from
sinewaves1.ldf, below.
The colors are from scans of watercolor paintings I made using Schmincke Horadam watercolors. The colors are Transparent Red Deep and Paris Blue.
MPEG video: | sinewaves2.mp4 |
3DLDF code: | sinewaves2.ldf |
Shell script: | |
C++ program: | sinewaves2.cxx |
MPEG video: | sinewaves1.mp4 |
PDF file (DIN A3 landscape): | sinewaves1.pdf |
3DLDF code: | sinewaves1.ldf |
3DLDF macro file: | sinewaves1.lmc |
3DLDF macro file: | plainldf.lmc |
TeX code: | sinewaves1.txt |
GNU General Public License: | gpl-3.0.txt |
Kaleidoscope Nr. 1 (sphrprj4.pdf)
This file contains a "flipbook" animation in the form of a PDF file. If you open it in your browser or a PDF reader and set it up so that one page is displayed at a time ("Page Fit" should do it), you can "flip" through it using the scroll and/or arrow up and arrow down keys.
The sequence is as follows: The cyan triangles rotate counter-clockwise, the magenta triangles rotate clockwise and the yellow triangles are split into halves and the halves rotate away from each other. When two colors overlap, they are replaced by the resulting color, i.e, cyan + yellow = green, cyan + magenta = blue and yellow + magenta = red. The sequence repeats after 24 frames or, put another way, positions 1 = 25 = 29 = 53 …
This flipbook demonstrates one of an infinite number of ways of creating a sequence of patterns. It was created using GNU 3DLDF, MetaPost, TeX, dvipdfmx, ImageMagick's convert program and Flowblade.
Stop Motion Letter Board Titles, Kaleidoscope Nr. 2 (kaleidoscope_2.pdf)
This flipbook corresponds to my first stop motion animation, which I've uploaded to YouTube:
It is not computer generated. I used a letter board with white plastic letters.
White Letters on Black Background (titles_1_white_on_black.pdf)
Black Letters on White Background (titles_1_black_on_white.pdf)
Each of these files contains a "flipbook" animation in the form of a PDF file. If you open one in your browser or a PDF reader and set it up so that one page is displayed at a time ("Page Fit" should do it), you can "flip" through it using the scroll and/or arrow up and arrow down keys.
The "white on black" version is the final version. The "black on white" one includes drawn paths and labels for the positions of the moving letters.
Original image: | |
Image with grid (low resolution): |
![]() |
PDF file: | ttemp_full.pdf |
MetaPost code: | |
TeX code: | ttemp_full.txt |
Laurence Finston
Göttingen, Germany
email: Laurence.Finston-*-AT-*
(Replace -*-AT-*-
with @
for the email address.)